Tax policy and accounting news

Notes when using virtual office services
Notes when using virtual office services


Businesses today have more choices for office space. Among them can not ignore virtual offices. In order to choose a perfect and reasonable virtual office from price to service quality, many people have spent effort and time to find out. Let's learn with TASCO the notes when using virtual office services through this article.
Advantages of the shared office model
Advantages of the shared office model


Shared office space has become the leading solution for businesses that want to save and optimize costs during difficult economic times. Let's go through this article with TASCO to better understand the advantages of the above-shared office model.
Virtual office services
Virtual office services


In recent years, a large number of companies and businesses have chosen to use the service virtual office. This is considered an effective solution in business, helping to solve many problems related to transactions, costs, and office utilities. So what is virtual office service? This article of TASCO will introduce more specifically to customers virtual office services.
Coworking space service district 7
Coworking space service district 7


Coworking Space Service District 7 is becoming a new wind for the office real estate market. Is the quintessence of the combination of preeminent benefits in coworking space and location advantages in the general market in District 7. It is no exaggeration to say: The coworking Space service in District 7 is the perfect choice for many people. business objects with still very affordable prices offered by TASCO.
Signage rental service
Signage rental service


Today, young start-ups often prefer optimal methods, reduce costs, and bring high efficiency. Signage rental service was born to meet the optimal needs of young start-up businesses. Not only does meeting the needs of start-up businesses, but the beach location rental service also brings many unexpected utilities. TASCO's sign rental service will bring customers the best benefits and incentives to serve the needs of businesses.
Business location rental service in district 7
Business location rental service in district 7


TASCO's super-cheap service of leasing a registered business address in District 7 has given businesses practical advantages in cutting more than 80% of office rental costs in the middle of the office leasing market. becoming more and more expensive today. Not only that, but the company opening address rental service also helps you to own a beautiful and luxurious representative office located right in the center of District 7.
What is the term coworking space?
What is the term coworking space?


Today, the model of Coworking space is no longer strange to businesses, especially SME businesses, and startups. However, there are still many businesses that do not know this type of business and struggle with difficulties when choosing to rent an office. In the following, TASCO will help customers better understand the above model.
Advantages and disadvantages of virtual office
Advantages and disadvantages of virtual office


The virtual office solution is the preferred choice of many small and medium enterprises today to save costs and still bring practical efficiency. However, everything has its pros and cons. This TASCO article will help you analyze the pros and cons of this type of virtual office.  
Virtual office rental services
Virtual office rental services


The virtual office rental service model has developed strongly in the office leasing segment. Currently, virtual offices are quite popular with small businesses, and startups, as well as branches and "representative offices". This is considered a savior in terms of cost savings, human resources, and the problem of choosing a convenient location, near the center. In this article, TASCO will introduce to customers the latest virtual office rental service.
Shared office service in district 7
Shared office service in district 7


Shared offices have been popular and continue to become the leading solution to the current office rent problem. It can be seen that owning a normal traditional office, the costs incurred such as: office rent, equipment procurement, personnel ... This article of TASCO will introduce more specifically to you. about the shared office service that TASCO provides right in District 7.
Comparing business locations and branches
Comparing business locations and branches


Businesses after a period of operation often tend to expand their business scope or expand their business model. One of the methods that businesses can choose is to set up a branch or business location. Many customers wonder which form to choose and the difference between the two forms above. This article of TASCO will compare the two forms above.
Business location rental services,
Business location rental services,


Every business entering the business market wants to own an office or business location to welcome partners and customers. This is the basis to help businesses build credibility and create many opportunities in their business field. What is a business location? Where is the service for renting a business location in HCMC?? This article from TASCO will help business people answer the above questions in a specific way.
General practice accounting training services
General practice accounting training services


Accounting has always been one of the hot industries and recruitment demand has never decreased. This job requires a lot of experience and skills, but the working capacity of accounting graduates at universities is not high due to the environment. theory-heavy school. Knowing this increasing demand for accounting education, TASCO has launched a practical general accounting training service. 
Promotion of package business establishment service
Promotion of package business establishment service


Celebrating Vietnam Entrepreneurs Day, Tasco discounts 13% of business establishment service fees for customers who register from September 29, 2022, to October 15, 2022. With more than 17 years operating in this field and serving over 10,000+ domestic enterprises and joint ventures. Tasco always ensures the best service quality and time when working with customers, bringing value and benefits to businesses, creating a reputation for brands.
Package review service of accounting data
Package review service of accounting data


Tax agent TASCO knows the difficulties of businesses in making financial statements or in the process of tax finalization, so they have launched a service to review accounting books for the purpose of helping business people. and summarize all accounting vouchers and papers in a systematic manner in order to minimize errors in recording and using the financial data of the enterprise.  
Latest report form on employment situation in 2022
Latest report form on employment situation in 2022


In the course of doing business, many entrepreneurs have chosen to convert the type of company to optimize business efficiency and be compatible with the current situation of the company. So what is corporate transformation? What is the process of converting a company type? TASCO will solve all your business questions with the company transformation service.
Service of setting up a social enterprise
Service of setting up a social enterprise


You are looking to establish a social enterprise but do not know the regulations and conditions for establishment. This article of TASCO will solve all related problems on behalf of customers with the service of establishing a social enterprise.
Regulations on increasing and decreasing charter capital for one-member limited liability companies
Regulations on increasing and decreasing charter capital for one-member limited liability companies


The Enterprise Law 2020 has no regulations on the minimum or maximum charter capital of enterprises. Therefore, in the course of operation, depending on the actual needs, the owner can increase or decrease the charter capital for a one-member limited liability company. This article of TASCO will provide more specific information to customers about the increase and decrease of charter capital.
Instructions for registering an online business license
Instructions for registering an online business license


Currently, online business registration has become a fairly popular method and is chosen by many investors to save time and costs when conducting online business registration procedures. This article of TASCO will guide customers more specifically about online business registration
Corporate income tax from capital transfer
Corporate income tax from capital transfer


Income from the capital transfer is income from other incomes when calculating corporate income tax to calculate the correct amount of tax payable, it is necessary to understand how to calculate corporate income tax from capital transfer below.
Instructions on how to determine the balance of accounting accounts
Instructions on how to determine the balance of accounting accounts


Instructions on how to determine the balance of accounting accounts, how to calculate the balance of accounting accounts, accounting accounts, accounting account balance, how to determine account balance, how to calculate balance travel to drill

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