Year-end bookkeeping services

Know the difficulties of enterprises in making financial statements or in the process of tax finalization. Tasco has launched year-end bookkeeping cleaning service to optimize for all small, medium and micro businesses. Help businesses check and review all old accounting documents or make vouchers and explanations according to tax paid financial statements...

1. What is bookkeeping? What is the bookkeeping service?

📖 Accounting book is a type of recording all economic transactions arising in a company in chronological order for convenience in comparison and tracking. In addition, there are other types of books used to track details of fluctuations of a certain type of accounting object such as: tracking revenue and expenditure, liabilities, inventory fluctuations, etc.

📖 Bookkeeping service is an accounting service provided by Tasco for businesses that need to repair their faulty accounting book system, helping businesses quickly detect errors. in the accounting book system of the enterprise, and at the same time, advise to complete the accounting records to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Law. Besides, helping businesses optimize costs and increase new investment and cooperation opportunities...

⇒ Note: Enterprises will be sanctioned for administrative violations of accounting if they do not comply with accounting regulations such as organizing the accounting apparatus, hiring accounting services, making accounting books, making reports financial statements, submit financial statements,...

⇒ Currently, the search for accountants who have high professional competence, experience in handling arising problems and represent businesses in working with state agencies ensures the correct legal and save time and costs for businesses is extremely difficult, moreover the job stability is not high. Bookkeeping service is an effective solution to help businesses today both ensure their goals at work and save costs and time.

2. When should businesses use bookkeeping cleaning services:

🔅 The business has just been established, the accounting system cannot handle complicated bookkeeping tasks. The enterprise has not yet recruited a seasoned accountant (or has a rather high salary requirement)

🔅 Changing accounting personnel often makes books and documents messy, omission or lost.

🔅 When the revenue and expenses of the business are not correct, it leads to the addition of revenue or the elimination of costs. Expenses are not deductible according to tax regulations, but businesses still account them, leading to penalties when finalizing taxes.

🔅 Enterprise books contain many errors or are incomplete because they do not update the Accounting Law as well as the latest circulars and decrees issued since.

🔅 When the voucher system is messy, omission or lost without the business knowing.

🔅 Received the inspection decision from the tax authorities but the books are incomplete, many errors.

3. Benefits of using year-end bookkeeping cleaning services:

⏩ Cost savings

⏩ Meet legal standards

⏩ Limit risk

⏩ Report on time

⏩ Precise and detailed

4. Actual contents of bookkeeping cleaning service:

✔️ Check and review all accounting documents of the business.

✔️ Check the reasonableness, validity and legitimacy of invoices and documents provided by enterprises.

✔️ Check the list of purchase and sale invoices, VAT declarations, original documents.

✔️ Consulting, adjusting for businesses errors, not in accordance with the provisions of the law.

✔️ Make general books and diaries so that the data matches the paid financial statements.

✔️ Make a detailed book of accounts arising in the year of tax payment declaration.

✔️ Make a full set of payment documents including: receipts - expenses, receipts - import - export of supplies...

✔️ Making documents, books are explained according to the standard of tax paid financial statements.

✔️ Check salary documents: Timesheets, payroll, related labor records.

✔️ Consulting, giving adjustment plans when detecting incorrect accounting vouchers.

✔️ Finalize accounting books according to current accounting standards.

✔️ Print and backup all accounting documents and hand them over to the business.

✔️ Conduct re-appraisal of financial statements and adjust according to tax law.

✔️ Responsible for the actual settlement of the business.

✔️ Prepare detailed books depending on the field of operation of the business such as:

➤ Detailed book of debts, detailed book of materials and goods, detailed book of sales.

➤ Detailed work book for companies in the field of construction.

➤ Detailed cost sheet by product for companies operating in the manufacturing sector.

5. Some information that customers need to provide Tasco:

➥ Invoices for input and output VAT.

➥ List of purchase and sale invoices monthly or quarterly.

➥ Backup file of accounting data on Excel or the accounting software that the business has set up.

➥ Bank account statement.

➥ Salary sheet, ID card/CCCD information of employees if the enterprise has paid wages to employees.

➥ List of employees participating in social insurance: payment period, premium rate...

➥ Login information to the electronic tax return page.

➥ Book data of the previous year (if any).

   ⇒ Note:

➤ For manufacturing enterprises, it is necessary to provide more information on product norms.

➤ For construction enterprises, it is necessary to provide additional construction cost estimates or information on exported materials for construction works.

8. Why you should use Tasco's year-end bookkeeping service:

1️⃣ There is always a front desk team who usually directly customers on behalf of the business.

2️⃣ Free business license fees.

3️⃣ Full facilities: desk, reception room, meeting room, printer, copy, wifi, drinking water, coffee, confectionery reception, reception,...

4️⃣ Cost only from 500k/month.

5️⃣ Support consulting and solving issues related to Business Registration licenses and related tax accounting policy advice.

6️⃣ 20% reduction in tax accounting costs if signing a 1-year contract.

✳️ TASCO tax agent is proud to be an organization founded and led by CEOs with more than 17 years of experience in the field of Accounting - Taxation - Finance in multinational companies with a team of highly qualified professionals, always updating their knowledge regularly and working with the motto "DEFINITION - RESPONSIBILITY - PROFESSIONAL" ensuring to provide businessmen with business establishment services, tax accounting services, the most reputable and professional tax consultant. Besides, TASCO always puts the interests of business people first. More than anyone else, TASCO understands that customers have to invest a lot of money when starting a business. Therefore, TASCO always supports customers to minimize costs to operate their businesses sustainably.

Register here for TASCO's earliest advice and support or contact the hotline: 0975480868 (Zalo)


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